Demographics dashboard


This dashboard uses aggregated data derived from the data collected by Bar Council and Bar Standards Board CRM membership database which contains basic monitoring information on all practising barristers in England and Wales. This is refreshed monthly.

The dashboard below has data spanning over 20 years from 2002 to 2022. It provides a breakdown by month and/or year depending on the page you are on.

The Bar Council and Bar Standards Board  have only started collecting data on a barrister’s main area of practice from 2019 onwards. Page 4 and 5 of the dashboard reflects this change. 

Finally, all data on barrister’s primary practising address is calculated to a radius of 1.1 kilometre to ensure that no barrister is identifiable.

View Demographics dashboard in full screen

How to use the dashboard

All the pages on the dashboard are interactive.

  • Select the tabs at the top of the dashboard to see each demographic category page. You can also click on the arrows at the bottom of the dashboard screen to navigate between pages.

Comparing and selecting specific demographic figures:

  • To compare specific figures, such as years in the ‘Year and Month page’, hover over the figure and click on the eraser, then, while holding the ‘Ctrl’ key, select the years you want to compare. Or you can click to deselect the figures you do not want to see in the visual. You can reselect all figures by clicking ‘Select all’.
  • Clear selection: You can clear your selection by clicking the eraser that pops up when you hover over each listing selector.  
  • On the ‘Year and Month’ page, you can only select one month at a time to compare across years.
More detail on interacting with the dashboard

Further data for bar charts on ‘Year and Month’, ‘Ethnicity & Gender’ and ‘Young Bar’ pages. Hover over the bar charts to see further detail, specifically:

  • The exact number of barristers.
  • Percentage breakdown for ethnicity and gender charts.

Area of practice map:

  • Click on an area of practice in the table to view the primary practising addresses of that specific area of practice on the map. Click again on that area to deselect it and return to the overview.   

Change Over Time visual:

  • To see the changes over time by main area of practice, select the Main Area of Practice from the dropdown and click on the play button on the Year axis.




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