Bar Council governance

Our work is undertaken by an executive secretariat, and a number of committees of practitioners. 

The Bar Council

The Bar Council membership is made up of approximately 115 barristers, who are elected or who represent the Inns, Circuits and other interest groups. The Bar Council meets about seven times a year. The Council elects its Chair, Vice-Chair and Treasurer.  

Bar Council membership, meetings and minutes

View the current members, upcoming meetings and meeting minutes.


All representational work of the Bar Council is undertaken by committees comprising barrister and lay members, and which are overseen by the General Management Committee.

Officers of the Bar Council

Bar Council officers are elected by Bar Council members, and serve from 1 January to 31 December.

Constitution and standing orders

Our constitution and standing orders

Annual reports and financial statements

Our annual reports, strategic aims and past financial statements

Standing for justice: our strategic plan 2024-2029

Our five-year strategy to position us as the leading representative body for a united Bar that is strong, inclusive, independent and influential.


Details about past and upcoming Bar Council elections

Vacancies and appointments

Opportunities to join a Bar Council committee or external organisation as a representative of the Bar Council and the appointments for the current year

Organisations we work with

Read about the organisations we work with: Inns of Court, Specialist Bar Associations, circuits, and others.

Circuits of England & Wales

The six circuits of England and Wales: what they are and where they cover.

Inns of Court

The four Inns of Court: who they are and what they do

Specialist Bar Associations

The Specialist Bar Associations (SBAs): dedicated to barristers' practice areas within geographical regions.



Read the General Council of the Bar and Bar Standards Board Protocol for ensuring regulatory independence and the provision of assurance