The General Council of the Bar has published its 2023/24 Practising Certificate Fees (PCF) and budget for consultation.

Read the consultation.

We welcome views from the profession on the planned budget for 2023/24 and the proposal to increase PCF and invite you to consider the questions below. Please send your responses to: [email protected]

The consultation will close on Friday 13 January 2023 at 17:00.

Consultation questions

  1. Do you agree with the GCB’s proposal to increase the 2023/24 PCF as detailed in this paper?  If not please explain why.
  2. Do you think the PCF for 2023/24 represents value for money?
  3. Are you adversely impacted by the level of the practising fee due to a protected characteristic under the Equality Act 2010 (such as age, disability or gender) or due to your individual practising arrangements? If so, please tell us why and how we could meet your needs. Do you agree with our initial Equality Impact Analysis (EIA) of the practising fee, which we have provided with this consultation?
  4. Do you have any other comments regarding PCF or the General Council of the Bar budget for 2023/24?