Why should you stand for Bar Council?

Thinking of standing for election? Bar Council member Aoife Kennedy reflects on her first six months as an elected member

  • 25 July 2024
  • Blog

How do we remove the gender pay gap?

Speakers at a recent panel event share their practical solutions for tackling the gender earnings gap

  • 2 May 2024
  • Blog

Adapting to change: effective remote working at the Bar

Amrit Kaur Dhanoa and Rachel Holmes discuss how barristers can get the most out of remote working and chambers can ensure practitioners' are supported.

  • 12 April 2024
  • Blog

Inspiring inclusion at the Bar for International Women's Day

Bar Council committee chairs share their thoughts for IWD24

  • 7 March 2024
  • Blog

“We must come together as one Bar to tackle inappropriate behaviour”: Attorney General reacts to Bar Council report on bullying, harassment and discrimination

Rt Hon Victoria Prentis KC MP responds to the report and urges the Bar to submit feedback and ideas to the review.

  • 24 January 2024
  • Blog

Bar Placement Scheme 2023: "unpredictable, fast-paced, and thrilling" by Amina Yaasiin Ahmed

Amina Yaasiin Ahmed shares her experience on the Bar Placement Scheme, shadowing barristers and watching a trial in the High Court - and what she's learned from her week immersed in the Bar.

  • 14 July 2023
  • Blog