Taking effective action to support social mobility at the Bar

A practical half-day summit supporting chambers, and other Bar-based organisations, to deliver effective interventions on social mobility.



Blue and white upward-facing arrows on deep blue background
14 July 2023, 9:30 - 14:00
Event Type
Central London
Social mobility, Equality and diversity
video image

Social Mobility Summit 2023

Watch the recording of the Summit (edited for clarity).


About the event

This practical half-day summit supports in developing and delivering effective social mobility programmes. Specifically, to:

  • introduce the latest thinking on positive action and contextual recruitment
  • facilitate greater collaboration across the Bar and support for bar-based initiatives set up to deliver social mobility
  • map current social mobility activity and identify gaps in provision
  • share ideas - and solutions to challenges - around programme delivery

Aims of the summit

  • answer questions on how far you can go in programme design and candidate selection
  • explain how contextual recruitment may support you
  • help support and facilitate partnerships with expert organisations in this area - to help reduce your own workload, avoid duplication of effort, and improve your chances of success

Followed by questions and discussion of issues relating to social mobility at the Bar, and learning from those whose programmes are beginning to deliver results.  


  • Self-employed and employed barristers with an interest in social mobility
  • Equality and diversity officers
  • Practice managers and clerks
  • Heads of Pupillage and those responsible for recruitment
  • Representatives of the Inns, Circuits and SBAs
  • Social mobility experts, and organisations set up to support social mobility (for both barristers and students)


Related events

18 September
Introduction to equality and diversity
  • Training course
  • In-person, London
24 September
Work distribution and monitoring
  • Training course
  • In-person, London
26 September
Advanced equality and diversity
  • Training course
  • In-person, London
24 October
Fair recruitment and selection
  • Training course
  • Online

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