Pupil Helpline

The Bar Council's Pupil Helpline gives confidential advice and support to members of the Bar who are currently undertaking their pupillage. If required, the helpline will put them in touch with an experienced and independent barrister who can help with problems encountered during pupillage.

In many cases, pupils will be able to obtain appropriate advice and support from their pupil supervisor and/or chambers. However, there will be occasions when pupils may prefer to discuss their concern with a member of the Bar who is not connected to their chambers.

For this reason, the Bar Council offers pupils a confidential and objective advice service. Contact can be made, anonymously if wished, by email or telephone.

The Bar Council will put pupils who wish to discuss a problem in confidence in contact with an appropriate adviser and can sign-post those who contact us to relevant resources.

Access the helpline

Call 020 7611 1415 or email [email protected].

If we are unable to answer your call, please email us at [email protected] and we will aim to respond within 3-5 working days.