Constitution and standing orders

The constitution of the General Council of the Bar sets out the functions and powers of the Bar Council, including its composition, the rules for appointment and election of members and officers, and the conduct of meetings.

Bar Council membership

The composition of the Bar Council is set out in the constitution as follows:

Ex officio:

  • Officers: Chair, Vice and Treasurer
  • Officers-elect
  • Attorney General, Solicitor General and Director of Public Prosecutions
  • Circuit leaders
  • Chairs of the Criminal Bar Association, the Family Law Bar Association, the Chancery Bar Association, the London Common Law and Commercial Bar Association, the Bar Association for Commerce, Finance and Industry, and the Commercial Bar Association


  • 12 subscribers appointed by the Benchers of the Inns
  • 12 subscribers elected by the circuits
  • 19 subscribers elected by the specialist Bar associations (list set out in the constitution)


  • 39 self-employed barristers elected by subscribers
  • 15 employed barristers elected by subscribers


  • Up to 8 subscribers co-opted by the Bar Council

See the list of current members


The representational work of the Bar Council is undertaken by committees, overseen by the General Management Committee and reporting to the Bar Council.

There are 13 committees reporting to Council and a number of panels and ad hoc working groups reporting into the committees.

The Bar Council also shares two joint committees with the Bar Standards Board – audit committee and finance committee.