The 2024 Law Reform Lecture

The 21st Annual Law Reform Lecture explored the rapidly evolving field of Earth law and the opportunities and challenges it presents for law reform and legal decision making.  

The 2023 Law Reform Lecture

Exploring the rapidly evolving role of artificial intelligence in law, the 20th Annual Law Reform Lecture took place on Thursday 22nd June 2023.

The lecture was given by The Right Hon. Sir Geoffrey Vos, Master of the Rolls to the Bar Council of England and Wales.

See the full details of the 2023 Lecture

Read the transcript [PDF]


The 2021 Law Reform Lecture
The 19th Annual Law Reform Lecture was given online on 30 November 2021 tackling the subject of environmental law, the Climate Change Act and other related developments in UK legislation. 


There were two lectures at the 2021 Annual Law Reform Lecture given by:

  • The Rt. Hon. Lord Carnwath of Notting Hill, speaking on the topic of Law Reform and Climate Change 

Read the transcript

  • Inger Andersen, Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations and Executive Director of the UN Environment Programme, speaking on the topic of Law, climate change and welfare of the people 

Read the transcript

Previous Law Reform Lecture speakers and topics
  • The Right Hon Lord Carnwath of Notting Hill Where next for Judicial Review? Some lessons from 8 years in the Supreme Court

  • The Right Hon Lady Arden of Heswall DBE Upwards and onwards! Celebrating the last 100 years of women in the law and planning for the future

  • Sir Brian Leveson  Criminal Justice in the 21st Century: Reforms in Sentencing

  • Baron Lenaerts, President of the Court of Justice of the European Union The role of the Court of Justice of the European Union in European integration 

  • The Right Hon the Lord Neuberger of Abbotsbury The Role of the Supreme Court 7 years on; Lessons Learnt

  • Lord Lester of Herne Hill The Human Rights Act 1998 Five Years On

  • Baroness Hale of Richmond  Judge and Law Reformer – a Contradiction in Terms

  • Baroness Elizabeth Butler-Sloss  Family Law Reform – Opportunities Taken, Wasted and Yet to be Seized

  • Lord Steyn Our Government and the Rule of Law since 9/11

  • Sir Terence Etherton Law Reform in England & Wales: A Shattered Dream or Triumph of Political Vision

  • Rt Hon the Baroness Scotland of Asthal KC Justice for All - Closing the Gap for Fraud Victims

  • Lord Hoffmann Reforming the Law of Public Authority Negligence

  • The Rt Honourable Lord Justice Moses Summing Down the Summing Up: Re-Forming the Criminal Trial

  • The Rt Honourable Sir Nicholas Walls  Changing the Culture: The role of the Bar and Bench in the management of cases involving children

  • The Rt Hon Lord Sumption Home Truths about Judicial Diversity

  • The Rt Hon The Lord Judge The Evidence of Child Victims: the Next Stage

  • Professor Sir Francis Jacobs  The European Courts and the UK - What Future? A New Role for English Courts

  • Lord Justice Lloyd Jones  Law Reform in a Devolved Climate